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East Hampton Little League (NY)

East Hampton Little League (NY)

2024 Olympic League Baseball and Softball - Local Rules



Pre-Game Information
Home team is responsible for prepping the field.
Home team occupies 1st base line dugout and has on field warmup 30 to 15 minutes prior to start of game.
Visiting team has on field warmup 15 minutes prior to start of game.

Dugout Personnel
The only personnel (16 years of age or older) allowed in the dugout are the manager (head coach) and 2 assistant coaches.  A 16-17 year old may serve as an assistant coach and does not require an approved volunteer application.  All adults must have approved volunteer forms on file with EHHL.  They must also have completed a background check and Little League’s Child Abuse Training Course.  At least one coach needs to have completed CPR/First Aid training.
Defensive coaches should be in field of play to coach their team.


Number of Players in Field
All players should be in the field.  Players should learn multiple positions and be rotated
throughout the game.  This is how kids get the feel and understanding of the game.  There shouldn’t
be an overcrowding of players in the infield.  Extra players should be playing a shallow outfield (i.e. no 2 shortstops allowed).

There is no official score kept.  This is the developmental division of our league.  We want
kids to have fun, learn the game and play the many different positions on the baseball/softball
field.  While we are not keeping a running score, a half inning ends when either 3 outs are recorded or 5 runs score.
Coaches are responsible for umpiring. Please be fair and consistent.

Coaches will pitch to their own team at a distance agreed upon among the coaches to give the
players the best chance to hit.  Coach pitch is meant for kids to put the ball in play.  Softball
is to be thrown underhand.  Baseball should be thrown overhand and can be done from a standing or kneeling position.  This helps train the players on the angle the ball will be coming to them in future leagues.

A player will occupy the position of “pitcher” by standing next to the coach pitching, ready to field the ball when it is put in play.

To keep the pace of the game moving along, we do not dress a catcher.  An assistant coach will be
“catcher” and a player will be positioned behind the coach to field the position once the ball is put in play.

No Bunting at this level.  Players are encouraged to swing the bat.

No stealing or leading at this level.

Game-Time Limits
A new inning may not start once two hours have passed. Once inning starts it will be played out as last inning of the game.

5 runs per inning maximum.

Overthrows on Live Ball
Runners are not permitted to advance on overthrows to a base.

All players on the team’s roster bat in an order set by the coaches at the beginning of the game.
Players get three swinging strikes before an out.
If coaches see a certain player is struggling to put the ball in play, they are encouraged
to give an extra strike.  Coaches from both teams should be aware of this and remember this is a
developmental division focused on building a player’s confidence and a love for the game.

If a game is cancelled due to inclement weather, coaches can try to reschedule the game by
emailing [email protected] with their proposed make-up date.  



East Hampton Little League
P.O. Box 318 
East Hampton, New York 11937

Email: [email protected]

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