Everyone registered for the Majors division must be entered into the draft. This includes all players that are playing up or down as well as those that are age appropriate.
All players are asked to attend an evaluation. Players unable to attend will be assigned an evaluation score as decided by the division coordinator.
Only team Managers will attend the draft – potential assistant coaches are not allowed to attend. Any EHLL Board Member who does not have a child playing in that division may attend the draft to observe.
Each division’s draft must be attended by:
- At least one member of the Rules Committee
- Division Coordinator
- Player Agent
- NOTE: Division Coordinator and Rules Committee member can be the same person.
At the beginning of the draft Managers will not have their children on their roster, they must be drafted. The sons/daughters of any potential assistant coaches a Manager might want must also be drafted.
A Manager’s child must be drafted in or before the round required based on his/her Little League age. Division Coordinator and Managers will agree upon the appropriate round before the draft begins.
For Major Draft: LL Age 12- Round 3; LL Age 11- Round 4; LL Age 10- Round 5
For Minor Draft: LL Age 10- 3 Round: LL Age 9- Round 4; LL Age 8- Round 5
When there are siblings in the same draft, the siblings are to be drafted by the team that drafted the first sibling. The sibling(s) are to be drafted in the round immediately following the round in which the first sibling was drafted.
Draft order will be selected randomly at the draft.
The rounds of the draft are serpentine. For example, in a four-team draft round one goes 1,2,3,4 round two goes 4,3,2,1 round three 1,2,3,4. This continues until all players are picked.
Managers will have two minutes to select a player when it is their turn to select.