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East Hampton Little League (NY)

East Hampton Little League (NY)

2024 National League Baseball - Local Rules

Unless specified below, play follows all rules and regulations outlined in the Little League 2024 Official Regulations and Playing Rules Baseball book for the Major Leagues. For further clarification, coaches should contact their division coordinator.

Pre-Game Information
Home team is responsible for prepping the field.
Home team occupies 1st base line dugout and has on field warmup 30 to 15 minutes prior to start of game.
Visiting team has on field warmup 15 minutes prior to start of game.

Dugout Personnel
The only personnel (16 years of age or older) allowed in the dugout are the manager (head coach) and 2 assistant coaches.  A 16-17 year old may serve as an assistant coach and does not require an approved volunteer application.  All adults must have approved volunteer forms on file with EHHL.  They must also have completed a background check and Little League’s Child Abuse Training Course.  At least one coach needs to have completed CPR/First Aid training.

Number of Players
9 players maximum in the field, but game can be played with 8 players.

A maximum of 6 runs can be scored in any half inning. This applies to first 5 innings of a game.


All pitching done outside of the EHLL schedule must be reported to EHLL and Little League rest requirements must be met.
The EHLL coach takes responsibility for following these requirements.
Violation of these rules will result in the EHLL head coach receiving a suspension and the game in which the player pitched will be forfeited.

If a team needs to reschedule a game, the change must be requested at least 48 hours in advance.
Coaches are to email EHLL a make-up date no later than 3 days from when game is postponed.   

Mercy Rule
If there is a 15 run deficit after 3 innings or 10 run deficit after 4 innings, the losing team’s manager must concede defeat. This replaces rule 4.10 (e).


East Hampton Little League
P.O. Box 318 
East Hampton, New York 11937

Email: [email protected]

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